2014 Baby Backers | Week 2

They always continue to surprise us!! To submit photos of your own Browns Baby Backer, visit the University Hospitals Facebook page

UHBrowns meet #AleiDawg cutest #babybrownsbacker ever! #herewegobrownies @ryruhlman @tesseanne @UHRainbowBabies
To submit photos of your own Browns Baby Backer, visit the University Hospitals Facebook page

Mommy and Daddy are life long Browns fans, and Baby James was born during the first half of the Browns game last week. Now he's ready to cheer on the Browns with the rest of the family! To submit photos of your own Browns Baby Backer, visit the University Hospitals Facebook page

My name is Jerry and my dad grew up watching the Browns with his dad and now I get to watch with him. To submit photos of your own Browns Baby Backer, visit the University Hospitals Facebook page

Andy loves the browns because they fight hard just like he does especially while at RBC having testing done. To submit photos of your own Browns Baby Backer, visit the University Hospitals Facebook page

We have been Browns fans forever To submit photos of your own Browns Baby Backer, visit the University Hospitals Facebook page

Our families have been die-hard, loyal fans for a long time!! To submit photos of your own Browns Baby Backer, visit the University Hospitals Facebook page

It's in the blood. Her father was born and raised in Cleveland and so will she. To submit photos of your own Browns Baby Backer, visit the University Hospitals Facebook page

Brayden loves the Cleveland Browns just as much as his Daddy does! To submit photos of your own Browns Baby Backer, visit the University Hospitals Facebook page

we have best fans in football!! Go Browns!! Woof woof!! To submit photos of your own Browns Baby Backer, visit the University Hospitals Facebook page

Sunday BROWNS games have brought my family together for fun and football for over 30 years! To submit photos of your own Browns Baby Backer, visit the University Hospitals Facebook page

Our love for the Browns has been passed down from generation to generation. To submit photos of your own Browns Baby Backer, visit the University Hospitals Facebook page

My mommy and daddy met watching a Browns game in 2009. Then they got married at the Cleveland Browns Stadium October 1, 2011. I was born a Browns fan on May 14, 2014. To submit photos of your own Browns Baby Backer, visit the University Hospitals Facebook page

Its daddy favorite team and only team for us

"because I'm being brought up right!" To submit photos of your own Browns Baby Backer, visit the University Hospitals Facebook page

I'm from ohio and they have been my team, good or bad, for over 60 years!! All my children, and grandchildren are browns fans including Lilyana, who is the youngest browns backer in Vegas. She got her membership at 2 weeks old!! To submit photos of your own Browns Baby Backer, visit the University Hospitals Facebook page

We watch every Brownies game no matter what! We are a family of true Browns Backers! To submit photos of your own Browns Baby Backer, visit the University Hospitals Facebook page

I love the Cleveland Browns!!! When I am not napping I am in my exersaucer watching my Browns!! My parents are raising me right! To submit photos of your own Browns Baby Backer, visit the University Hospitals Facebook page

I've grown up watching the Browns and plan to instill the same values on my children. It's such a wonderful organization to be a fan of. Love the Browns! To submit photos of your own Browns Baby Backer, visit the University Hospitals Facebook page

Nothing on earth makes me as excited as the Browns do, win or lose my heart is orange and brown! Even with Dad screaming at the TV my baby girl sleeps next to me. To submit photos of your own Browns Baby Backer, visit the University Hospitals Facebook page

Because we are going to win it all one day and I can't wait to see it! To submit photos of your own Browns Baby Backer, visit the University Hospitals Facebook page

Liam wants to be a future Browns player !! He loves to watch every Sunday !! To submit photos of your own Browns Baby Backer, visit the University Hospitals Facebook page

Daddy is a huge Browns fan and has turned Chloe into one as well! She really loves when the games are on and loves watching them. We are raising her right!;) To submit photos of your own Browns Baby Backer, visit the University Hospitals Facebook page

I grew up in Cleveland and have been a Browns fan since before I can even remember! As a military family we move around a lot, but cheering for the Browns is a little piece of home we take with us everywhere we go. To submit photos of your own Browns Baby Backer, visit the University Hospitals Facebook page

Can't explain it. It's in our blood. To submit photos of your own Browns Baby Backer, visit the University Hospitals Facebook page

Because I was born and raised a Browns fan! They are my team forever! To submit photos of your own Browns Baby Backer, visit the University Hospitals Facebook page

Browns fan since birth! To submit photos of your own Browns Baby Backer, visit the University Hospitals Facebook page

What's not to love?! GO BROWNS!! To submit photos of your own Browns Baby Backer, visit the University Hospitals Facebook page

To submit photos of your own Browns Baby Backer, visit the University Hospitals Facebook page

The latest in a long line of Browns Backers, going all the way back to 1946. Go Browns! To submit photos of your own Browns Baby Backer, visit the University Hospitals Facebook page

Our love for the Browns spans generations. This original Cleveland Browns outfit is more than 33 years old, from 1981. First worn by a father and now by his son! To submit photos of your own Browns Baby Backer, visit the University Hospitals Facebook page

Uhhh WHY NOT!? To submit photos of your own Browns Baby Backer, visit the University Hospitals Facebook page

I was raised as a Cleveland Browns fan and while watching the games with my dad I became a Cleveland Browns fan. Though they stress me out every Sunday. I still never miss a game! To submit photos of your own Browns Baby Backer, visit the University Hospitals Facebook page

I love the Browns because I love football and I love Cleveland! To submit photos of your own Browns Baby Backer, visit the University Hospitals Facebook page

I'm a Clevelander who loves football. They are and always will be my favorite team. To submit photos of your own Browns Baby Backer, visit the University Hospitals Facebook page

It's in my blood. To submit photos of your own Browns Baby Backer, visit the University Hospitals Facebook page

I love the Browns because every year, there is something worth talking about. Whether its a controversy or a huge upset, being from Canada (N.S) to be exact. The fans aren't as many as other teams, but if something happens good or bad, I am always contacted because they know who my Team is. To submit photos of your own Browns Baby Backer, visit the University Hospitals Facebook page

Browns Baby #UHBrowns To submit photos of your own Browns Baby Backer, visit the University Hospitals Facebook page

We have been loyal Browns fans our entire life. Mom is a huge football fan so she makes sure baby Finn where's his Browns outfits every Sunday to support our team!

My hometown pride is why I love the browns! They remind me of my childhood and the people that I love the most! To submit photos of your own Browns Baby Backer, visit the University Hospitals Facebook page

The Dawg Pound has the greatest fans in the land! Tradition built on hard work! To submit photos of your own Browns Baby Backer, visit the University Hospitals Facebook page

Never miss a game here in Beantown. To submit photos of your own Browns Baby Backer, visit the University Hospitals Facebook page

We will always root for our city! We BARK together;) To submit photos of your own Browns Baby Backer, visit the University Hospitals Facebook page

On Wednesday 12/3/14 I went into labor. My husband went home to get the bag and our "necessities." He remembered our newborns cheerleading outfit along with accessories and conveniently forgot our toothbrushes, phone chargers and medicine for our other daughter. So even though we were going through a life-changing event he has once again found away to involve his love for the Cleveland Browns!! This picture was taken on 12/4/14. To submit photos of your own Browns Baby Backer, visit the University Hospitals Facebook page

We love the Browns because they have the best fans in the land! They are a team that never gives up, despite their record. Also, Cleveland is our city! To submit photos of your own Browns Baby Backer, visit the University Hospitals Facebook page

I love the Cleveland Browns because my family are the biggest Cleveland Browns fans! & some of the players are pretty cute :) To submit photos of your own Browns Baby Backer, visit the University Hospitals Facebook page

Kaitlyn was born into a long line of diehard Browns fans. We affectionately call her our Littlest Dawg. She loves to to hear us chant "Here we go Brownies, here we go. Woof! Woof!" To submit photos of your own Browns Baby Backer, visit the University Hospitals Facebook page

I am a true Kardiac Kid! I had heart surgery in September but didn't let that ruin my football season! I LOVE THE BROWNS! I wear my lucky uniform every Sunday! To submit photos of your own Browns Baby Backer, visit the University Hospitals Facebook page

Because my Mommy and Daddy love the browns!! To submit photos of your own Browns Baby Backer, visit the University Hospitals Facebook page

The team plays with heart! To submit photos of your own Browns Baby Backer, visit the University Hospitals Facebook page

Always been Browns fans....we are a football family. Sundays are our favorite days....getting to watch the Browns. We always make sure baby Finn has his Browns gear on every Sunday to support our team! To submit photos of your own Browns Baby Backer, visit the University Hospitals Facebook page

Since their return in '99, I have been hooked by the edge of your seat, heart pounding & heart breaking games. Win or Lose Got Nothing but Love for the Dawgpound!!! To submit photos of your own Browns Baby Backer, visit the University Hospitals Facebook page Â