Since its inception, the First and Ten movement has inspired Browns fans all over the world to pledge to make their communities better by giving 10 hours of their time back to their respective communities.
During the first two weeks of August, the Browns welcomed fans from all over to Berea for Browns Training Camp to official kick off the 2015 season. At training camp alone, nearly 1,500 signed have signed up themselves, their schools and families to improve their communities.
The Cleveland Browns inspire and lead excellence through education, youth development and civic activation platforms. The commitment to community is evident through the First and Ten movement, in which we hope to engage every fan.

Fans have had opportunities all summer to pledge to #give10 including at the Orange and Brown Scrimmage, Cleveland Plane Pull, Wade Oval Wednesdays and more! At the Orange and Browns Scrimmage in Columbus so many fans came to share their stories and take the pledge, walking away with a signature orange wristband.
It is amazing what can be accomplished by just giving 10 hours of your time to better the community. The stories that were shared with us over the duration of Browns Training Camp were so inspiring and uplifting that we had to write about it.
We have fans of all ages volunteering their time, from the likes of 7 to 12-year-olds and those who are 60 . Those who have shared their stories told us about making a difference by giving to causes that are important to them.

From volunteering with the local food banks on Saturday as a family, to coaching youth football, soccer and cheerleading, the #DawgPound is making an impact in more ways than one. One fan, and motorcycle enthusiast, took their passion for bikes and used it. The bike brigade escorts military veteran funeral processionals throughout the city. By giving their time and resources these fans were able to #give10 and help the families in their communities.
There were also kids who worked with Youth Challenge this summer to help their peers achieve goals that may not come as easy. As a teen helper with the program, one gentleman helped his new friends swim, play sports and make the summer more enjoyable.

One family held fish fry's, vacation bible school and youth mentoring this summer at their church to #give10. While they gave numerous hours to make their community better, it was fun because they did everything together! You can sign up your group to be a part of the movement too!
Although summer is coming to an end, that doesn't mean your commitment to #give10 has to. Stop by our First and Ten tent at Browns home games this season on Dawg Pound Drive prior to kick off, or go online to share your story with us! By sharing your story, you're not tooting your own horn as much as you're inspiring others to #give10, give back and join the movement!
Are you signed up to #give10? Do you have your orange #give10 wristband? Share how you are helping the community and pledge to be part of First and Ten on****. All you have to do is give 10 hours, help your community. We want to hear your stories so follow @BrownsGiveBack on Twitter and Instagram for the latest community updates and be sure to use #give10.