Thank you to the following individuals who are giving back! We encourage community service and all acts of giving back and are proud of our fans who continue to make a difference. These outstanding individuals are pillars in their communities and inspire us all to #give10.
Name:Sara Annis
Hometown:Cleveland, OH
What they do to give back:
Sara is a teacher who inspired her students to start up a toy drive for those less fortunate in their area. With her students all talking about the new presents they received for Christmas, they collectively thought it would be a great way to #give10 by giving back some of their older toys. Before you knew it, over 50 toys were piled high ready to be dropped off at a local charity! This act of goodwill has kick started even more campaigns in her class, with the students now organizing a food drive to benefit a local food pantry. Thank you Sara, and a big thank you to your students!
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Name: Nina Fiffick
Hometown: Akron, OH
What they do to give back:
Nina is a recent college graduate who always found it important to give back, believing the goodwill benefits both herself and the local community. Since graduating, she has been filling up her free time at a local animal shelter. In addition to her monetary donations, Nina makes daily trips to the shelter to walk the dogs and keep them active, knowing how hard their full time staff is already working. Since starting over four months ago, she has also assisted in getting six dogs loving homes!
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Name: Preston Hazelton
Hometown: Louisville, KY
What they do to give back:
Preston grew up a big sports fan and loved to be active all year round. Much to his disappointment, his athletic career was cut short sooner than he anticipated. Instead of letting this become a burden, he decided to get involved in his local t-ball league and become a volunteer coach. Preston has found this experience tremendously rewarding, as he watches his young athletes grow and look up to him as a mentor. He loves to #give10 and plans to volunteer his time coaching as long as he can!
Name: Katherine Butler
Hometown: Bay Village, OH
What they do to give back:
Last month, the Bay High School Key Club participated in the Bay Village Kiwanis Christmas Tree Sale. All of their members were involved, with everyone combining for over 100 hours of service to a very worthy organization! This manpower was welcomed, as the students helped sell and move trees all weekend. It was a great opportunity for the students to help their local community, as well as the local Kiwanis, who help out the Key Club throughout the year. This proved to be a memorable experience for all those involved!
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Name: Gary Hunter
Hometown: Orwell, OH
What they do to give back:
The Conversation Station, a local youth community center, has a group of young adults who passionately serve their community locally, in the county, and around the state. Locally, this group maintains the grounds of the Schamburg Memorial, which was erected for a young man from their community who was recently killed in Afghanistan. In their county, the group assists the Extension Office, the Farm Bureau, and other organizations in the area who need volunteer help. Around Ohio, these men and women volunteer at area blood drives and hold coat drives to keep our veterans warm during the winter months. Their dedication to #give10 inspires us all.
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Make sure to let us know how you are giving back! Share your stories of goodwill on the First and Ten webpage or through @BrownsGiveBack to be recognized for your work!