Thank you to the following individuals who are giving back! We encourage community service and all acts of giving back and are proud of our fans who continue to make a difference. These outstanding individuals are pillars in their communities and inspire us all to #give10.
Name: Michelle Bodie
Hometown: Port Clinton, OH
What they do to give back:
Michelle is a Physician Assistant with a specialty in Dermatology whose passion is skin cancer prevention. When she moved to Port Clinton and joined a private practice, Michelle really missed the teaching aspect of her new job. To fill this void, she started giving lectures and teaching in her local community. This past month, she gave a free five-hour skin cancer screen at a hospital in Port Clinton. She also gave a skin cancer lecture at a local nursing home last week, and this week is lecturing to the local Retired Teachers Assoc.
Name: Ramon Poisson
Hometown: Sardis, OH
What they do to give back:
Ramon is a Disabled/Retired Veteran who spends as much of his time as possible volunteering at the Local High School. He runs the clock for all home volleyball and basketball games, while also helping to maintain the gymnasium floor that was recently replaced due to water damage. In addition, Ramon volunteers his time working the ticket gate at Junior High football games and security at High School football games. He is passionate about his local community and believes it is up to all of us to give as much as we can for the kids!
Name: Anita Bauknecht
Hometown: Bay Village, OH
What they do to give back:
The Bay High Key Club held an Eliminate Week in their local Bay Village community. They challenged all Bay City School children to donate $2 to provide mothers in third world countries a series of three shots to protect them and their future children from maternal & prenatal tetanus. The Key Club and Kiwanis also sponsored a Cow Plop where a cow was released in a field with 500 lined squares that were sold. Where the cow first plopped was the winner of the cash prize. Together they raised $10,000!
Name: Annie Blumenfield
Hometown: Fairfield, CT
What they do to give back:
Annie is a 16 year old fan from Connecticut who formed a non-profit organization called Wags 4 Hope after her dog Teddy was rescued from a high kill shelter in Texas. He had heart worm disease but luckily made a full recovery. She set out to educate pet owners globally about the importance of heart worm disease prevention and pet responsibility, while raising funds for local animal shelters. You can visit her website at www.wags 4 to see Master Teddy & learn more about her great organization.
Name: Tim Tubbs
Hometown: West Lafayette, OH
What they do to give back:
Tim volunteers his time coaching a club soccer team of middle school girls which is now in its second 2nd year. Out of the 14 girls (ages 11-14), six of them have never played in organized sports. The team has hand-me-down jerseys from the high school team that are about 7 years old – and through the generosity of the local community were able to buy their own practice equipment through a fundraiser. The 1st year of the program was tough as the team went 0-7-1 and only scored 2 goals all season. However, things are looking better this year as the team has doubled their goal total despite being 0-2-1 and are working hard for their first win!

Make sure to let us know how you are giving back! Share your stories of goodwill on the First and Ten webpage or through @BrownsGiveBack to be recognized for your work!