Thank you to the following individuals who are giving back! We encourage community service and all acts of giving back and are proud of our fans who continue to make a difference. These outstanding individuals are pillars in their communities and inspire us all to #give10.
Name: Jennifer Geiger
Hometown: Cleveland, OH
What they do to give back:
Jennifer volunteers her time with Cleveland Habitat for Humanity, which is committed to sustaining Cleveland neighborhoods by rehabbing vacant and abandoned homes and adopting and cleaning up specific streets to focus our neighborhood renewal and affordable homeownership program.
Name: Bryan Starosto
Hometown: Avon, OH
What they do to give back:
Team Jake was created to bring awareness and financial support to the American Heart Association. To date, they have hosted 7 TEAM JAKE events and raised over $30,000 for the Cleveland Heart Walk and the AHA. They have a very generous and enthusiastic supporting cast of family, friends and community members committed to supporting us. They want to expand their reach and give back to our community in other ways. Teaming up with the Cleveland Browns First and Ten initiative is the perfect way to do that! The Cleveland Heart Walk takes place on Saturday, September 27th at Voinovich Park - sign up and learn more at
Name: Steve Tapogna
Hometown: Cleveland, OH
What they do to give back:
Steve tutors at an inner city school in Cincinnati through a HOSTS program. This program helps students with lower reading levels achieve higher reading levels through 45 minute sessions three times a week. He tutors three students a week for over 3 hours per session, and has been doing so for 40 weeks! Steve sees the results first hand, as the students almost always gain a higher reading level with this concentrated program in place.
Name: Andy Rattray
Hometown: Willoughby, OH
What they do to give back:
Andy is the race coordinator for the Flag Day 5K Run & Two Mile Walk held every year in June at the Deepwood Center in Mentor, Ohio. This annual event benefits the Deepwood Special Olympics as it helps them raise funds for special outings & trips. In addition to benefitting the Deepwood Special Olympics, funds raised also go towards the North East Running Club Scholarship fund which helps High School seniors as they go off to college. This fine event has been held since the mid-1990s and is Andy's way of giving back to the community he lives in.
Name: Michael Gershen
Hometown: Highland Park, NJ
What they do to give back:
After years spent substitute teaching at schools trying to educate the next generation, Michael now volunteers his time at the Highland Park Fire Department. He is helping his community every day by putting himself on the front lines to help others when they are having the worst day of their lives.
Name: Mike Bonnell
Hometown: Canton, OH
What they do to give back:
Mike lives two blocks away from the J. Babe Stearn Community Center in Canton, OH. He drives by it all the time and noticed the property was in need of some upkeep. Mike has being going over to the Community Center and working 4 to 6 hour a week on the property for over a month now! By edging the sidewalks and curbs, cleaning the parking lot and baseball fields, and trimming the weeds, Mike is doing his part to #give10!

Make sure to let us know how you are giving back! Share your stories of goodwill on the First and Ten webpage or through @BrownsGiveBack to be recognized for your work!