General Manager Ray Farmer looks to take team to new heights within his role.
On Thursday's "Cleveland Browns Daily, Driven by Liberty Ford," co-hosts Vic Carucci and Nathan Zegura discussed the front-office changes Browns owner Jimmy Haslam made on Tuesday and how they will likely affect the future of the team.Former Browns wide receiver/running back/returner Eric Metcalf joined Nathan and Vic to give his thoughts on Ray Farmer being named the new Browns general manager and how he feels the players will respond. Scott Petrak, from the Elyria Chronicle Telegram, made an appearance to give his reaction of the front-office changes and what he feels should be a priority for the Browns moving forward.
Here are some highlights:

Nathan Zegura: "Whether it is right or wrong or fair or unfair, the fact of the matter is clear that the hindrance of Michael Lombardi and Joe Banner as a team was not going to be beneficial to the future of the Cleveland Browns. To me, (the firing of Michael Lombardi and Joe Banner) had to be done. The Browns are a youthful organization and now it is time for these people to take their aggressive innovations and make things work. …One thing I like about their (the new Browns coaching staff's) philosophy is that they said they are going to find what their guys can do and allow them to do it well. If they can step up (Browns linebacker) Barkevious Mingo, then the front seven of this team can be outstanding and the front seven needs to be a strength of this team."

Vic Carucci:"The credibility boost the Browns can get from this can start with Jimmy Haslam by him allowing Ray Farmer and (head coach) Mike Pettine and (Browns president) Alec Scheiner to do their jobs. They are people, who, if they are allowed to function in their own business of things, will give the entire organization a real boost of credibility. The people who do business with the Browns are looking for that. From Mike Pettine's standpoint, he has been impressive. He recognizes that he is not just waiting to be told what to do from a football standpoint, but (knows) this is what needs to be done from a standpoint to do what is successful. …Haslam got his nose bloodied in this thing. Is he proactive or is he impetuous? Can he take hold and get things working right away? If so, he is proactive. If it turns into the same thing we saw, it is impetuous."

Eric Metcalf: "I don't think things worked out the way Jimmy Haslam thought they would. We had good players; I just think the fit wasn't for us. I think now he sees that and now he is trying to give the Browns the opportunity to be the best from the top to the bottom, and that is where it matters when you get those players that can make things good here in Cleveland. I like Ray Farmer and I think he will make good decisions for this organization for years to come. We need a team that will be good from here on out. I think Ray Farmer will be good and he will turn it around. When you take a former player and turn that into a general manager, you know what to expect because as a player you have actually done it. He will know how these guys will fit our team and he will know what we need from each individual."

Scott Petrak: "I was stunned by the Joe Banner part. I can understand the Michael Lombardi part, but the fact Joe Banner is gone so fast really surprised me. I tend to look at it from, if you brought him in you wouldn't be so quick to get rid of them, but obviously Jimmy Haslam proved otherwise. Those are big shoes to fill; Joe Banner had a lot of say and a lot of power in the organization. I am still shaking my head a little bit. I believe that in regards to the Browns and free agents, Joe Banner had a set way he looked at the roster with how he valued positions rather than valuing the actual player and I think the fact that Ray Farmer takes over stands a better chance for those free agent guys to stick around. …If I was Ray Farmer my number one priority would be to re-sign (Browns center) Alex Mack and (Browns defensive back) T.J. Ward. You will have to spend more than you want to spend, but you cannot afford losing these players and let these guys go and call yourself a better football team."