Winter months in Cleveland can be cold ones, so The Cleveland Browns found a way to #give10 this year by donating cold weather gear to HandsOn Northeast Ohio (NEO). HandsOn NEO is a nonprofit organization that provides volunteer opportunities for those in the community looking for ways to #give10. Through their one-time events, the nonprofit impacts lives in various communities throughout Ohio.

One of their most recent events was 'Homeless Stand Down,' this project provides homeless individuals, families, and veterans a 'day away' from the elements. HandsOn NEO reconnects the homeless with services that assist the total person in terms of sustainability and wellness. The cold weather items that the Browns donated were used to warm many from around the area who didn't own a winter coat or hat to protect them from the cold.

HandsOn NEO Executive Director Jeff Griffiths was on-site to collect the donation from the Cleveland Browns. "This will benefit the 2016 Homeless Stand Down and in its 25th year it will provide 1,500 individuals, veterans and families, who are homeless or in transition," he said.
In addition to the items, Browns staff stepped in to provide additional manpower later in the week for the organization's upcoming CareVan days. CareVan Days are the nonprofit's miniature Stand Downs at other locations around the community. The goal of these days is to provide permanent supportive housing for families and individuals. Browns staff from the IT department helped sort, inventory and organize donations for HandsOn NEO's upcoming CareVan Days.

Their volunteer efforts were so impactful, because they were able to complete work that may not have otherwise been accomplished with limited manpower. The volunteer hours that were donated in one day, is just an example of one way you and your group can get together to #give10, help your community. Visit HandsOn NEO's website to find other ways to give back and volunteer to make a difference.
Cleveland Browns First and Ten is a movement that inspires others to give back and #give10 hours of volunteer service to your community to make it a better place. Getting involved with nonprofits like HandsOn NEO is a great way to begin to volunteer and #give10.

Are you giving back already? Take the pledge today and share your story with us; or sign up your group to #give10, help your community and we'll send you a toolkit in an eco-friendly gift bag full of Cleveland Browns First and Ten wristbands for every member of your group, table tents, and a circle sign.
When you #give10, help your community, we want to hear about it. Share your story with us on our website, or on Twitter and Instagram @BrownsGiveBack. Don't forget to use #give10!