On Tuesday, January 31st at 1PM ET, the NFL will be offering a free live NFL Play 60 Challenge Virtual Field Trip for a digital experience that will take place during the week of Super Bowl LI in Houston. Teachers will be able to live stream the Virtual Field Trip directly to their classrooms! This hour long interactive opportunity will give an extraordinary opportunity for educators and students to learn more about why it is so important to stay active and get at least 60 minutes of activity in a day. Teachers - it starts with you! Make a difference in the classroom and on the playground and educate the youth about the importance of health!
A simple registration is required in advance. No special equipment is needed to participate, classrooms just need an interact connected computer (and a way to share with students ie: projector and speakers). Players and kids will be participating in fitness activities and movements down in Houston, that students in classrooms across the country can follow along to. The interactive experience will be 60 minutes of engagement and will bring the excitement of PLAY 60 and the Super Bowl to all markets!
**Teachers- DON'T WAIT! You can register for the free Virtual Field Trip via this link TODAY: http://www.aha-nflplay60challenge.org/field-trip.
Sneak peek at the NFL PLAY 60 Challenge Virtual Field Trip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B44aetSsg1Y
Kick start the year with the NFL Virtual Field Trip to get your class up and get moving. Did you know? The Cleveland Browns are committed to Play 60 year round – there are other opportunities to check back on to get your school and students involved!
Browns PLAY 60 Challenge: The challenge is a featured extension of the Play 60 movement, that the Browns offer to local schools during the spring and fall. The Play 60 Challenge is a 6-week program designed to educate and motivate students grades 2nd – 8th to be active before, during and after the school day for at least 60 minutes a day. In partnership with American Heart Association, the goal of the program is to allow schools to create an environment that is conducive for physical activity. If you are interested in learning more about the Browns Play 60 Challenge, call 440-891-5000.
NFL Play 60 App: Incorporate technology into your physical activity with PLAY 60 by downloading the NFL PLAY 60 app! The app is made to registered any movement that you do while holding your device. Whether your students choose to run, skip, hop or climb, the character on the app will do the same! Users are able to rank against each other, compare yards run to their favorite NFL players and earn opportunities to unlock more cool features on the app! Customize your avatar to represent the Cleveland Browns through PLAY 60!
Fitness Gram assessment program: Fitness Gram is the premier fitness assessment tool with an educational reporting system. It emphasizes health-related fitness for life by measuring three components 1) aerobic capacity; 2) body composition; and 3) muscular strength, endurance and flexibility. Results, based on age and gender, are available in a report card format that physical education teachers can use to educate families and students and encourage healthy behaviors. In support of Play 60, the Browns and Cooper Institute work with local schools and teachers to register classes for the program!
Lastly, not only is moving important to health, but eating as well. Visit http://www.fueluptoplay60.com/ ways and tips to keep your students snacking on healthy treats!
PLAY 60!
About Browns PLAY 60:
The Browns PLAY 60 movement, contributing to the NFL's nationwide initiative to promote youth health and wellness by getting active at least 60 minutes each day, is in association with University Hospitals and American Dairy Association Mideast and Fuel Up to PLAY 60. The Browns actively bring PLAY 60 to the local community throughout the year to ensure kids and families are learning about and taking steps toward a healthy lifestyle.
Have you heard about the Browns First and Ten movement? Learn more and take the pledge to commit your 10 hours of giving here)!