The Browns have unified and streamlined their many philanthropic efforts throughout Northeast Ohio with the launch of "Browns Give Back."
Giving back to Northeast Ohio is a core value of the Cleveland Browns organization, and Browns Give Back encompasses that virtue, creating a measurable, thoughtful and impactful approach to enrich the communities in which we live, work and play through financial contributions and service projects.
The Browns' philanthropic efforts through the Cleveland Browns Foundation, Community Relations and personal giving from owners Dee and Jimmy Haslam, coaches, players and the rest of the Browns organization are now unified together under the Browns Give Back umbrella. The target of these endeavors has been streamlined to three areas of focus: education, youth football and the team's signature First and Ten volunteer and awareness initiative.
"As stewards of this franchise we recognize the platform our organization has to unify Northeast Ohio in so many ways," said Cleveland Browns Owners Dee and Jimmy Haslam. "We take great pride in the responsibility of every member of our organization to positively impact this community that has provided an incredible amount of support in our time in Cleveland. Our Browns Give Back initiative is keenly focused through a streamlined approach on areas that we feel can improve the lives of children while engaging our community and inspiring others to get out and make an impact by volunteering their time to a cause."
The rookies attended the ground breaking at John Marshall High School - the 5th of 5 synthetic fields in the Cleveland Metropolitan School District installed through a gift from the Cleveland Browns.

The Browns are focusing on education and youth football because children represent the future of our city. When the children of Northeast Ohio succeed and accomplish their goals on their way to becoming adults, everyone in the area, including the Browns, benefits and wins. The same goes for volunteerism, which is encouraged and amplified through First and Ten, not only locally but in the cities in which our fans and teammates live.
The organization will continue to enhance the commitment it's shown to improving education in the past. The core focus areas in education are early learning, school attendance and college and career readiness. While the Browns support the entire educational spectrum from birth through college graduation, the common theme in the team's initiatives and movements is to help identify opportunities, remove barriers and provide support for students to empower them to be successful. Funds raised through the annual Cleveland Browns Foundation Golf Tournament and 50-50 Raffle will be directed into these areas while initiatives such as the Special Teams Package and "Get 2 School. You Can Make It!" Attendance Campaign symbolize the organization's solution-based, holistic approach to ensure Northeast Ohio youth receive the education and development they need as a foundation for independence and success.
The Browns continue to evolve as a development leader for the game of football, providing year-round programming for players, coaches, officials and parents. Through camps, clinics and other initiatives, the Browns' goal is to promote healthy, social, emotional, intellectual and physical development of youth by enhancing opportunities for youth football participation and education. Last May, the Browns hired longtime St. Ignatius High School coach Chuck Kyle as a youth football advisor and recently became the first NFL team to help coordinate USA Football's "modified tackle" football scrimmages and a Rookie Tackle pilot league within their home market. Annually, the Browns hold youth football camps at their facility in Berea and spotlight local high school games through the Cleveland Browns High School Game of the Week.
Launched in June 2014, the Cleveland Browns First and Ten campaign was established to inspire fans to volunteer in and help their communities throughout the world by volunteering for 10 hours each year. That will continue under Browns Give Back, as the organization continues to encourage everyone to think about making their community better by committing 10 hours of volunteerism in a year. On social media, fans are encouraged to use #give10 as an avenue to create awareness and help illustrate the endless opportunities to Give Back in Northeast Ohio.