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Browns player quotes - 12/14

LB Armonty Bryant

On the Browns producing nine sacks yesterday:

"I would say we all just came together. After the first sack, everyone felt good and felt comfortable. We just had a business attitude that just gave us the urge to go out there and get more."

On his comfort at LB, after switching earlier this season from DL:

"I think it's come along really well. I feel a lot more comfortable, definitely from Week 1 until now. I feel very comfortable and confident in my abilities to go out there and make the plays that come my way."

On what the Browns defense improved yesterday:

"I think we just trusted each other. It felt like you didn't have to look at the guy next to you to tell him what he had to do because he had and was able to make that play."

On seeing rookie LB Nate Orchard get two sacks yesterday:

"I think Nate made great strides. He's a great player. He's good at setting the edge. He's a good pass rusher, and it finally showed yesterday. It took him a while, but better late than never."

On the difference of playing defense with a lead early in the game:

"It means a lot. We work hard every day. We try to put that work in as much as we can."

On being considered an underdog against Seattle:

"Its fine. We've always been the underdog in everything we've done so it's nothing new to us. We're just going to take the same approach we did last week and come out there and get after it."

On what the Browns need to improve after Sunday's win with three tough opponents ahead:

"We just need to take this momentum that we have and just ride it all the way to the finish line."

On the challenge to get excited to play with a losing record:

"You just have to know who you're fighting for. You're fighting for your team, you're fighting for you family, you're fighting for the man next to you and you're fighting for your job. You're out there fighting for your brother and you go out there, you don't want to be the guy that makes that mistake so you're going to have to do everything you can so he doesn't look at you like dang, you let him down."

On if he was close to tackling Ravens S Will Hill on the blocked FG returned for a touchdown on Monday night and if he replays it in his mind:

"I was close. I was definitely close. I replay that play, and it still feels unreal, but it definitely happened. It's crazy that it happened. I had a piece of him, but it wasn't enough."

On how anxious he gets when going a few games without a sack:

"You just have to continue. You have to just think about what you're doing it for. You can't think about stats. You have to know when it's your time, just be ready."

On learning from Patriots DE Jabaal Sheard, who made a similar transition when in Cleveland:

"Jabaal, he's a good guy. He's definitely a good guy and a good friend and was a good teammates. He just told me just to play relentless and reckless, really. He basically told me you know what you have to do out there, just do your job."

On if it will be good to see Seahawks DT Ahtyba Rubin in Seattle:

"Definitely. Definitely a good time when I see Rube."

On the example LB Paul Kruger sets for the LBs, despite him not recording a sack yesterday:

"Definitely, Krug helped out a lot of other players. He forced the quarterback out of the pocket and then some of us came up with some sacks. He's done a good job all season rushing the passer. He hasn't gotten that number that he wants, but he's definitely getting some good rushes, just not getting the plays."

On how much the Browns defense feeds off the offense's success:

"Feels good. When you know the offense is going to score, you know they have your back regardless of what goes on. If they go out there and get a touchdown, we go out there and we're about to get another touchdown because we're about to go out there and stop them. Then if that dude gives up a turnover, we just go out there like, 'Don't worry. We'll get the ball back. We'll get the ball back, go back down, march it down and score.'"

TE Gary Barnidge

On impressions of QB Duke Johnson Jr. yesterday and if he saw improvement:

"He did a great job. He did a great job during practice all week running everything, and it just translated into the game. He is improving and he is just going to keep getting better week in and week out."

On the Browns' success in the running game:

"Just hard work. That is all it is. One thing we focused on was maintaining blocks and holding onto the blocks and giving the backs time to make plays. That is all it was really."

On what the win yesterday does for the Browns' psyche:

"It is huge. We have been struggling getting wins lately, and I think that is a huge aspect to get that win and finally get on the right side of the board. It is huge building into the last three games and then leading into next year."

On what makes Manziel special:

"I think the way he can make the play continue because the play is never over. He can make so many things happen with his legs. He is able to continue plays from four to six, seven seconds. That is tough for a defense to cover anyone that long."

On if Manziel gives the Browns offense a different sense of energy:

"I don't think we play with a different energy no matter who is back there. Just in general, we are going to go out there and do our gameplan and do what we do. The only thing you need to know when Johnny is out there is that the play, instead of being a typical four seconds, it could be eight seconds long; it could be 10 seconds long. You never know. I think that is the only difference."

On Browns players not pointing fingers at each other for losses:

"We all stood behind everybody. No matter what is going on, we know we have each other's back. That is part of being a team. We all are going through this together. You are not ever going to come through on the other side if you don't have everyone's back."

On if it is a credit to Head Coach Mike Pettine and the staff that the Browns' effort hasn't wavered, given the team's record:

"I definitely think it does. That is one thing we strive as a team to be. No matter what is going to happen, good or bad, no matter what we are going to play the same way every time. We are always going to play hard to the end, and that is one thing that will never be questioned with us."

On what it would mean to him to tie Ozzie Newsome's team record for TD receptions by a tight end:

"I am not a big stat guy when it comes to that kind of stuff so that stuff doesn't really matter. Obviously, he is a great player, a Hall of Famer, huge history with the Browns. It would be great to tie him and all that stuff, but all that matters is if we get the win. If we don't get wins, it doesn't matter, honestly."

On if Browns need to win during the last three weeks to validate yesterday's performance:

"I definitely think we just have to keep it going, keep doing what we did in this last game and just build off of it and just keep finishing strong."

On how he celebrated his contract extension and if yesterday's game felt differently:

"I really didn't celebrate. I actually just went and did my normal movie giveaway I do every Thursday night. I did that and enjoyed the time with the fans and went home and relaxed. I am not a big guy who gets into celebrating and stuff. I will do that whenever I travel and do my stuff in the offseason. That is my celebration in general. I didn't really play any different. I play the same no matter what is going on. I am not going to ever play any differently, no matter with anything else."

On if his fans should expect nicer scavenger hunts gifts after his contract extension:

"I would like to think I have been keeping them all consistent. I feel like I have been consistent with all my gifts when I do my scavenger hunts and all my giveaways. I think I have been consistent the last three years with everything. There is always one prize that is usually the best. The other ones are good, but they are not as good as the best one. That is always the mystery gift. It is a mystery gift so you never know what it is going to be."

On if Manziel has turned the corner and is starting to understand what it means to be a pro:

"I definitely think he is starting to see it. I think it has shown in the way he is playing on the field, in practice and in the game and everything else. I think he is just going to keep learning. He is a young guy. He is going to keep learning and keep maturing as he gets older. I think that is a credit to him, too. We are going to be behind him no matter what, too."

On if he ever expected to produce at his current level:

"I would like to think that everybody envisions themselves having great seasons. It is just a matter of the opportunity. I try to take full advantage of the opportunity I was given this year. I am very appreciative that the Browns gave me that opportunity."

On if Browns veterans have been behind Manziel after his off-field incidents and why:

"We are a team. You have to stick behind everyone on the team. You can't just alienate certain people and say, 'Oh, we are not dealing with you because of this, this and this.' Altogether, we are a team. We are going to need everyone on the team to succeed. When it comes to all the other stuff, that is what the coaches help with. We talk to him and we do all that type of stuff, as well, but he has to hear it from the coaches, as well, and from us. He is going to learn. That is everybody. Any player in general, it should be the same way."

On how Pettine has done with Manziel:

"I think he has done a good job. I think it has shown by the way he played this past week, and when he gets his opportunity to play, I think he is showing that it is helping. I think it is going to help him in the long run. I think Johnny sees that as well."

On if he saw Manziel hitting his head on the Microsoft Surface and his reaction to it:

"I did not see it. I don't have any problem with it. I think I know he saw something that he missed that he didn't want to miss. That is part of the game. Guys get upset. Nobody says anything when (Patriots QB) Tom Brady slams his down on the ground or anything like that, but because Johnny is always in the media with that kind of stuff, it becomes something that gets brought up. He is just passionate about it. That is a huge aspect. That is something you want. You want someone who is passionate about the game."

On if there will ever be a time where media do not ask him about Manziel:

"Probably not. He is a very energetic player. He is a great talent, and I think he is newsworthy. Everyone wants to talk about him. He has done so much since college and coming into the NFL. I think it is always going to be a topic. There is nothing wrong with that though."

On how consistent Manziel talk Manziel does not become a distraction:

"You just don't let it become a distraction. It only becomes a distraction if you allow it to be. I think we have done good as a team not allowing any type of distractions, no matter whether it is anybody or anything that distracts us from anything. We just keep doing what we do out there and play and work."

On if he knew Manziel said he was upset with himself because Barnidge was open on the interception:

"I did not know that. I could have guessed that could have been part of it. That is part of it. You are not going to see someone every game. Every play, you are not to see something every time. You have your reads and you go through your reads, and if it doesn't work, you might miss somebody, which happens. It happens to everybody. He is going to see it and he is going to learn from it and get better."

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