David Njoku, Marcus Martin, and Shon Coleman read books to kids at Glenville Early Learning Center. #give10

More than any other stage in life, the 2,000 days between birth and kindergarten have the single greatest effect on a child's life. It's a time when families face many choices - in childhood development, education and health. 2,000 Days is a movement that supports families to make the most of this important time and guide their children on a path toward a lifetime of success.

The Centers for Families and Children partners with Browns Give Back to promote the 2,000 Days Pledge, which increases awareness for the importance of everyday experiences during this time and how they impact a child's future in school and career.
"Ninety-percent of brain-growth development occurs within the first 2,000 days of life," said Renee Harvey, Vice President of the Cleveland Browns Foundation. "Through every day activities, families can impact their child's development, and set them on the path to success."
Browns player, David Njoku, and Browns Offensive Lineman, Shon Coleman and Marcus Martin, recently visited 40 pre-kindergarten children at the Glenville Early Learning Center. This is one of the seven high-quality learning sites the Centers' operates throughout Cleveland and the interring suburbs. During the visit, Browns Players interacted with the children through games focused on core learning standards, motor skills, as well as read books with the growing scholars.

The percentage of Ohio children who are unprepared for kindergarten has steadily increased since 2009. Right now, nearly sixty percent of Ohio children who walk through the schoolhouse door are not ready to succeed in kindergarten. Unfortunately, the situation is no brighter across the country. For all of our children, success in life starts with the right foundation in the early years. This means that parents are the first teachers and the family home is the first classroom.
At the core of 2,000 Days is a pledge, where families register and promise to make the most of their child's time before kindergarten. Parents that take the pledge commit to make every day of the first 2,000 count for their child in three main ways:
- Keeping their child in a high quality early learning program for as many days as possible during the first 2,000, and
- Partnering with their child's teachers to get their child ready for Kindergarten with the goal of high school graduation, and
- Choosing an elementary school that is high performing and compatible with their child's learning style and needs.

In return, 2,000 Days pledges to engage with pledge takers through clear and easy to remember tips and resources about education, health and nutrition, school choice, literacy and safety to those who take the pledge. This information can be received through text messages, emails, and social media outlets.
"The first 2,000 Days of child's life sets them on the path for future success in school and in life. Families can have an impact – every day – through every day activities to help their child succeed," said Elizabeth Newman, CEO and President of The Centers for Families and Children.
Make every day count. It's never too late to start! Visit 2000dayspledge.org to learn more and take the Pledge.