*The Cleveland Browns are committed to the community. Through First and Ten, the Dawg Pound is encouraged to share what they are doing to give back. Get inspired and check out what these fans are doing to help their community:
*How do you give back?#give10
The Cleveland Browns hosted approximately 900 Cleveland Metropolitan School District Special Olympics athletes and coaches for a Browns PLAY 60 football festival in the Casey Coleman Field House on Friday. Browns representatives and volunteers got active with multiple activity stations, including youth football drills, inflatables, dancing and an exercise prize wheel. Volunteers from the event shared their stories of how they #give10 and give back to the community.
Name: *Anton R.
*What you do to give back?
**Anton a junior defensive tackle at Baldwin Wallace heard about the Browns Special Olympics Play 60 Football Festival event from his sports information director. He's always had a strong feeling for kids with special needs and he began volunteering in such a capacity during high school. He believes that it adds up to give back and put a smile on someone's face because it's always going to come back good to you at the end. He knows that 10 years from now these kids are going to remember this day and how it made them feel. Attending and volunteering at events like these makes Anton think he would like to become a teacher, so background knowledge and experience with special needs students is great. Thanks for volunteering and sharing your story Anton!

Name: Don H.
What you do to give back?
Don is a big believer in charity and volunteering. He loves kids. It's one of his favorite things of all time.
This week he volunteered at his first Special Olympics Play 60 Football Festival event hosted by the Browns. He liked it and said it was a chance for him to really interact with the kids which made it special. Working directly with the kids was priceless. No one can replace that. Every kid he talked to said they had a real good time which made it all worth it. Don has also volunteered in the past with Habitat for Humanity and other organizations at Christmas time with which, he used to buy nearly 2800 gifts for children for the holidays. Thanks for sharing your inspiring story, Don!
Name: Kayle
What you do to give back?
Kayle said it's extremely humbling for her to come out and volunteer her time on days like this. She was overwhelmed at the number of kids that were just so happy to see her. One little boy came up and hugged her and said 'you're my friend,' and it was the sweetest thing. Kayle thought it would be great for her to be a part of an event that could be the children's only opportunity to experience something this big, so it was nice to see them excited. She likes to give back personally whenever she can and it's a great chance to do so with the Browns. Thanks for giving back through the Browns First and Ten movement!

Name: Florence
What you do to give back?
Florence helps teach at Sunbeam school with a classroom of students ranging from 1-4th grades. It's nice to get out of the classrooms and have them experience something outside of the curriculum. She also volunteered at her local church in multiple capacities including teaching older kids during Sunday school and various bible classes. She is most concerned about student education and well-being so whatever she needs to do to help assist that she will. Thanks for giving back to support youth and sharing your story, Florence!
Name: Midge C.
What you do to give back?
Midge serves as a nurse for many Special Olympics events. She said she thinks it is such a cool event and the kids have a wonderful time. It's nice because it's not competition and it gives them the chance to just play. She enjoys it because the kids are happy to be here and a lot of them can't do in a team setting. It's incredible. She also volunteers in Brecksville and does blood pressure checks once a week for the general public. Midge is 86 years old and can't imagine anyone who won't volunteer and believes everyone can do something. Thanks for inspiring so many, Midge!