Believe it or not, football activities will be starting soon once again in Berea.
Starting on April 17, the Browns will begin the first phase of their offseason workout program as players gradually ramp up training for the 2023 season. The program, which is non-mandatory, is split into three phases.
Phase One: The first two weeks of the program with activities limited to meetings, strength and conditioning and physical rehabilitation only.
Phase Two: Consists of the next three weeks of the program. On-field workouts may include individual or group instruction and drills, as well as "perfect play drills," and drills and plays with offensive players lining up across from offensive players and defensive players lining up across from defensive players, conducted at a walk-through pace. No live contact or team offense vs. team defense drills are permitted.
Phase Three: Consists of the next four weeks of the program. Teams may conduct a total of 10 days of organized team practice activity, or "OTAs". No live contact is permitted, but 7-on-7, 9-on-7, and 11-on-11 drills are permitted.
Rookie minicamps will also run May 12-14 and give coaches a chance to evaluate the Browns' draft picks for the first time. That takes place two weeks after the draft, which runs April 27-29. Then, organized team activities will begin and carry the team to its three-day mandatory minicamp period.
Here's a rundown of the full offseason schedule:
First day of offseason program: April 17
NFL Draft: April 27-29
Rookie Minicamp: May 12-14
Organized team activities begin: May 23
Mandatory minicamp: June 6-8

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