Cleveland Browns Community Relations engages our fans and the Browns organization with the community to make it a healthier place to live and develop. We are committed to assisting our local communities and are proud of our fans who are making a difference. This Earth Day be sure to give back in your community to keep our Earth clean and sustainable for many generations to come. Here's a few quick tips on how you can #give10 and help your community this week and every day.
1. Activate. Get a group together at school or on the weekends to #give10. Earth Day is a global celebration, unite with others around the world.
2. Recycle. Separate your glass and plastic materials, paper and cardboard. When you recycle you're limiting the amount of 'garbage' you produce and helping save the environment. You can also recycle old office supplies and electronics.

3. Conserve. Conserve energy and water. By unplugging multiple appliances, even in 'off' mode, you are saving countless amounts of energy. You can also use a full dishwasher as an alternative to handwashing to salvage the H2O.
4. Donate. Give your clothes away to a First and Ten Community partner that can find new homes for your apparel or other household items. You are organizing what you own and helping others in the process.
5. Reduce. By reducing consumption and simultaneously reducing your waste, you can help our Earth. Our high consumption levels contribute to an increased amount of pollutants that harm the Earth as well as abnormal uses of natural resources.
6. Garden. Start a community garden, where plants, fruits and vegetables can be grown that will be donated to others in need. Exercise your green thumb to help your community.

7. Clean. Gather your youth football team after practice to #give10, help keep the fields clean and trash free. More hands will lead to less trash and clutter on the green spaces kids use to have fun, stay active and healthy.
8. Walk. Walking or riding your bike to work can help decrease your carbon footprint, but also help you get active before and after work. Getting active for 60 minutes a day can help you, help your community.
9. Coach. If you are a coach, inspire your athletes to help someone else. That's what First and Ten is all about.
10. Share. how you #give10 to help your community and our Earth. Half of the challenge to creating change is circulating knowledge. When we know better, we can do better. Share what you are doing to #give10, help your community and create change this #EarthDay.
**tips curated from New Jersey Monthly & Pachamama Alliance

Cleveland Browns First and Ten
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